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Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings

Margin: Set margin on the marquee element
Padding: Set padding on the marquee element
Z-Index: Z-index value to resolve overlay issue with the marquee style
Entrance Animation: Select Animation type for the news ticker entry point

  • Fading: Fade In, Fade In Down, Fade In Left, Fade In Right, Fade In Up
  • Zooming: Zoom In, Zoom In Down, Zoom In Left, Zoom In Right, Zoom In Up
  • Bouncing: Bounce In, Bounce In Down, Bounce In Left, Bounce In Right, Bounce In Up
  • Sliding: Slide In Down, Slide In Left, Slide In Right, Slide In Up
  • Rotating: Rotate In, Rotate In Down Left, Rotate In Down Right, Rotate In Up Left, Rotate In Up Right
  • Attention Seekers: Bounce, Flash, Pulse, Rubber Band, Shake, Head Shake, Swing, Tadda, Wobble, Jello
  • Light Speed: Light Speed In
  • Specials: Roll In

CSS ID: Give a section ID (HTML use) if you want to customize this element
CSS classes: Give a section class (HTML use) if you want to customize this element

Background Settings 

There are 2 different types of Background options are available: Normal and Hover

Background Type – Normal

  1. Classic: There is a basic level setting to setup background
    • Color: Set a background color for a news sticker element
    • Image: Set a background image for a news sticker element
  2. Gradient: There is an advanced level setting to setup background with gradient options
    • Color: Set a background color for a news sticker element
    • Location: Set a background location up to which percentage of portion this color will apply
    • Second Color: Set a second background color for a news sticker element
    • Location: Set a second background location up to which percentage of portion this color will apply
    • Type: Select a gradient type from the drop-down option – Linear and Radial
    • Angle: Set an angle for a gradient effect

Background Type – Hover

Note: All the Normal type of options will apply same for the hover effect.

Transition Duration: Set a transition duration from 0 to 3

Border Settings

There are 2 different types of Border options are available: Normal and Hover

Background Type – Normal

Border Type: Select a border type from the selection – None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, Groove
Border Radius: Set border-radius to the marquee element
Box Shadow: Set a box shadow with multiple options like shadow color, horizontal, vertical, blur, spread, a position with outline or inlet option

Background Type – Hover

Note: All the Normal type of options will apply same for the hover effect.

Transition Duration: Set a transition duration from 0 to 3


This option contains multiple options whether to showcase or hide this element with different devices.

Custom CSS

This option only available with the PRO version of elementor plugin.

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