Box Settings
Alignment: Set an alignment of countdown element – Left, Center or Right
Background Color: Change the background color of a countdown element
Box Gap: Choose a box gap from 0 to 100
Digit Gap: Choose a digit gap from 0 to 100
Border Type: Select a border type from the collection – None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed. Groove
Digits Settings
Background Color: Change the background color of a countdown digit
Color: Change a digit color
Typography: Change digit number style (font-size, line-height, font-family, etc.)
Label Settings
Background Color: Change the background color of a countdown label
Color: Change a label color
Typography: Change digit label style ( font-size,line-height, font-family, etc.)
Message Settings
Color: Change the message color
Typography: Change message style ( font-size,line-height, font-family, etc.).